Reading a Book a Week For 6 Year

Rabina Dayal
3 min readOct 18, 2020
Reading habits
Photo by Pinterest

I have been reading a book a week for the last 6 years. Around 2014, I made a commitment that I have to read a book in a week for the rest of the year, looking backward its best decision that I’ve made my entire life. I wasted time in college and I hated every single class. The books that are reading do not update and professors are trying to making classes interesting and I remembered feeling that I wasted life going there and memorizing and learning stuff that didn’t have any practical application in the real world nor my personal development. I couldn’t want to waste my 3 years in that situation. That’s the reason I took the responsibility for my learning and I started to read a book in a week. To be completely honest, in the beginning, it was not easy at all. I have difficulty in implementing it took lots of work in working on it. Every call I choose to read a book on Sunday, counting the pages and divided by 7 to know about how many pages I had to read in a day to finish that book on the weekend, And this was difficult for 1st two months but after that implementing and suffering period. Things started to change. Reading stuff is being something I had to do and become an activity looking forward to. I remember taking to class and reading that while the professor was lecturing, that dedicated reading making us reading faster than after a year in the spark of curiosity that I believe inherent to reach every human being. And I, unfortunately, schools and universities, don’t do a good job to ignite or making you grow. The system seems to be scientific life out of learning and we end up associated with boredom. When I started reading my own, this is lighted up beginning expanding, little by little, and even though the 1st book I read about personal development and business, my interest grew through physics, mathematics, biology, philosophy, meditation, and even history which was my least favorite subject in school. I realized everything, every subject and topic can be fascinated in the right way, by the right people, just like that the whole world, possibilities, and opportunities are open in front of my eyes. The days of struggles and boredom are over. Now I have more books to read than to have time. I am wiliness to learn and fascinated by everything that happened around me. And my overall curiosity getting bigger and bigger by day I noticed several benefits after reading books for a couple of months. Some of that I was not expecting.

Some Benefits of Reading Books:

1.Gives a new way to life, Gives a Different perspective to life

Reading Expose you to new things, new ways, new understanding, new information, new ways to handle situations, and new ways to solve them, While reading you understand things from a different perspective, it makes you realize and understand World and Yourself differently, Reading can help you to find out your hobbies and can make you explore things which eventually becomes your career and success in future. Reading helps you to understand yourself differently, It Opens ups your mind, and helps you to accept the changes in your life, and also makes you understand the different positive aspects of life. And also helps you to understand the world more properly and makes you smarter.

2.Reading Increase creativity and Imagination

Through Reading your imagination and Creativity increases, It gives you different ideas and understanding, Good reader from a young age can become a good writer, Reading sparks the imagination, When you read, you are taken into the new world, This thing nurtures your brain to develop ideas for new worlds and other possibilities, this sparks the imagination. Reading helps you to understand differently.

3.Stimulates Your mind

Research says That staying mentally stimulated can slow the progress of the brain or possibly even prevent Alzheimer’s And Dementia, Just like any other muscles in your body, The brain also requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy, hence Reading can be the best exercise to keep your brain healthy, fit and strong.

